
Prepares interactively CD-ROM/DVD disks from DV XML data


Prepares interactively a Windows and Mac compatible CD-ROM image (and burn CD) according to transcoding clip info in a XML database and data in a CD-ROM image. Connects referenced clips to a HTML page, which runs automatically on Windows systems.


The Windows Script Host environment provides support for describing scripts, passing parameters, including external source files and loading type libraries. Here is the output which the framework shows to guide proper usage of the program:

makeimage - Prepares interactively CD-ROM/DVD disks from DV XML data

Usage: makeimage.wsf /root:value /input:value /style:value


root	: r - Transcoding project root directory
input	: i - Reference of XML database source file
style	: s - Reference of XSL stylesheet template
base    : b - Reference of directory containing image base material


cscript makeimage.wsf /root:C:\netcast /input:clips.xml /s:"class data.xsl"


The utilities of the Virtuosi Digital Video Processing Environment all share a common set of functionality provided by source code templates and a modular support library. This basic functionality is generated by a Windows Script Host application wizard which provides handlers for optional and mandatory command line arguments. The framework supports short mnemonic aliases for named arguments. Programs generate standard errorlevel responses to problems during validation of arguments, file paths, file structure or ActiveX component loading.

Here are the specific capabilities of the makeimage utility: