The Syllabus Magazine organizes a yearly summer conference focusing on various aspects of 'high tech in higher education'. In 2003 music and video conference technology was brought to the fore in a special session dedicated to the theme. The aim was to demonstrate how Internet2 can be implemented to facilitate music teaching and learning at a distance.
Three instructional modules involving music theory and musicianship, piano pedagogy, and general music methods were included in the session. The content was presented by pedagogues from Finland, the US, and Australia in a live, multipoint videoconference. This event was meant to underscore practical issues of music teaching and learning in the new environment. The idea was to present an on-going process rather than ready-made end results. The session is available as an on-demand netcasted archive.
This is a collection of some of the material produced by the working group behind the music theory module of the Videoconferencing/Music Programs session at the conference. Much of the material is actually meant for internal use of the team, but as the work proceeds we expect to open some public pages at the media server of the MOVE project.
This is a collection of the papers presented by the team at the Syllabus Conference on July 20. 2003 in San José and the Internet. The module consisted of presentations by Philip Donner, Frank Clark and Matti Ruippo and concluding remarks made by Jennifer Sterling from IUPUI.