The Net Communication Department of the International Centre of Chamber Music in Kuhmo develops methods of promoting, documenting and analyzing music net education. This archive page documents an on-going effort whereby conductor masterclasses are enhanced by utilizing net communication as a teaching aid. Please, consult the article Conductor Masterclass of Jorma Panula, Kuopio 2002 to get a view of the development of the undertaking.
The recordings were made during two days of maestro Jorma Panula's conductor masterclasses on 18. and 19. of August 2003 at the Music Centre of Kuopio. The objective of the documentation work was to facilitate discussion and analysis of the classes. The documents give musical insight and they support the educational work of Jorma Panula.
Sound was recorded with professional skill and by utilizing adequate audio equipment. Video documentation was done with two consumer level DV cameras and a video mixer. The output was encoded directly on hard disk.
Kuopio Symphony Orchestra
Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic, Rauno Tikkanen
Sound engineer: Timo Haverinen, Virtuosi
Camera: Matti Ruippo, Sibelius Academy / Kuopio
Video mix, production: Philip Donner, Virtuosi